Gemma zum Jürgen
Important note! The video above is a recording of a possible run-through and serves as a demo!
The piece itself is an interactive audio-visual composition, a multimedia self-presentation and conceived as a live performance.
Interactive Audiovisual Multimedia Self-Exhibition and Live Performance
2.0 Stereo Audio
For computer, microphone, beamer, projection screen, joystick (optional) and Jürgen
Duration: arbitrary (approx. 15–25 min.)
World premiere:
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) CUBE Graz
June 20, 2019
as a work-in-progress titled “Path To The J”
Further performance:
Kultum Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Graz
in collaboration with the
Austrian Society for Contemporary Music (Österreichische Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Musik, ÖGZM)
April 25, 2024
This is a live recording from the concert at the Kultum – Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten in Graz in collaboration with the Austrian Society for Contemporary Music (Österreichische Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Musik, ÖGZM) on April 25, 2024.
Piece info
“Gemma zum Jürgen” is the invitation!
An invitation to a colorful-illustrated shrill hike through Jürgen’s self-ironic cabinet of curiosities.
Exhibits of a multiverse ego on the way to the self.
Be there! Hike with us! Gemma zum Jürgen!
“Gemma zum Jürgen” …
… an audiovisual self-irony?
… a journey into one’s own self?
… an invitation to a party?
For those who are interested
The visual component of the piece “Gemma zum Jürgen” was developed using the game development software “Unity” and the C# framework “Mono”. Various objects in it were created with the 3D modeling software “Blender”.
The audio component was programmed in the SuperCollider programming language. Communication between Unity and SuperCollider takes place via OSC.
The process of the piece is similar to a computer game in which the player avatar (in this case Jürgen performing the piece) moves through a sounding virtual landscape in the first-person perspective and repeatedly encounters people, objects, paintings, trees, screens, videos and many other differently designed objects, rooms and landscape elements that bear his own face. This confrontation with one’s own likeness, which is presented in variously depicted, sometimes grotesquely distorted two- and three-dimensional formations, also reveals acoustic peculiarities on closer examination, which – also shaped by a variety of sounds – resemble a journey through a conglomeration of diverse virtual sound installations. These “installations” are embedded in a landscape-architectural and sonic environment that is largely controlled in real time.
“Gemma zum Jürgen” is therefore a journey through and to one’s own self. Self-expression and self-confrontation meet ironically in a shrill and grotesque way – an invitation to fun and entertainment with the call “Gemma zum Jürgen”.
As a complete piece, “Gemma zum Jürgen” combines the following aspects and working methods:
- Game development
- 3D modeling
- Production of short video clips
- Digital image editing
- Sound synthesis and sound transformation in real time
- Sound design
- Composition of several pieces of electroacoustic music (sections of the overall piece)
Enjoy creating and developing the piece from the beginning …